Instruments for Science, 1800-1914: Scientific Trade Catalogs in Smithsonian Collections
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Standard Company Name: Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company
Company Name: The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, Ltd.
Title: Physiological Instruments
Imprint: England (Cambridge: 1899)
Pagination and Size: 126 p.; 24 x 16 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: myographs, spectroscopes and microtomes
Notes: Item Number: 51682. Includes prices; Includes index; description of instruments.
Subject Area: Medical Apparatus ; Spectroscopy ; Microscopy
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Röntgen-Apparate und - Instrumentarien.
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 190-)
Pagination and Size: 54 p.; 30 x 21 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: radiological equipment
Notes: Item Number: 51665. Includes price list No.16; contents.
Subject Area: Physics ; Electricity ; Medical Apparatus
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)

Standard Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Company Name: Ferdinand Ernecke
Title: Röntgen-Apparate und - Instrumentarien / Sonder-Preisliste No. 16
Imprint: Germany (Berlin: 19--)
Pagination and Size: 54 p.; 30 x 21 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; German
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: ammeters, X-ray tubes and turbines
Notes: Item Number: 52513. Includes content; introduction; description of instruments; prices and price list; Extrastrom-Apparat flier inserted.
Subject Area: Physics ; Electricity ; Medical Apparatus
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)

Standard Company Name: William Y. McAllister (Firm)
Company Name: William Y. McAllister
Title: Priced and illustrated catalogue of optical instruments, spectacles and eye-glasses / All kinds of thermometers, aneroid and mercurial barometers. Ophthalmoscopes, trial sets, etc., etc. Standard meteorological instruments
Imprint: United States (Philadelphia, PA: 1882)
Pagination and Size: 71 p.; 23 x 15 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: eye glasses, opera glasses and spy glasses
Notes: Item Number: 52541. Includes notice; test type examination charts; description of instruments; description of eye examinations; prices; books on the eye; index.
Subject Area: Optics ; Medical Apparatus ; Meteorology
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)